When you own your own business, or have more than one business on the go as many entrepreneurs do, there are times when you feel swamped by the detail. Where’s the fun in that?
What you enjoy most is the big picture – the “on” the business stuff, not dealing with the everyday “in” the business issues.
Many of the issues you face as a business owner or senior manager are outside of your comfort zone or expertise. You may find yourself spending hours or even days resolving (or losing sleep over) something which actually is quite simple – but simple only to those who have done it before.
As a lawyer who has advised business owners for many years, I find my greatest satsifaction comes from helping entrepreneurs see the wood from the trees by providing guidance on the red tape, legal or quasi-legal stuff that gets in the way of sales and making money.
Truelegal has a tight circle of entrepreneurs as clients with whom we work very much as their legal director/in-house counsel/commercial adviser, or however they chose to badge it. It comes down to us providing cost effective legal advice at board and senior management level. Available on site, or at the end of a phone, out of hours. This frees up their creative and operational juices and takes the weight of the “legal millstone” off their backs. When they analyse our relationship, they tell us that we have been able to allow them to focus on what they are good at and enjoy.
And the net effect is that they work more efficiently and, hey presto, they get their work-life balance back too.
The message is simple: do what you’re good at and delegate the rest
Contact us to talk to one of our team about removing that burden. We can chat through or exchange emails about your concerns. And if you want to explore further, I or a colleague will arrange to meet up at your business and guide you through how we can help save you time, money and worry.
What are you waiting for!